Constance J.: One is Not Like the Others
Constance J.: A Pair of Pears
Constance J.: Lucky in Love
Constance J.: Mountain Top View
Constance J.: Fog Over the Mountain
Constance J.: You're a Shining Star
Constance J.: "I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order."~John Burroughs
Constance J.: What's the big deal about an acorn?
Constance J.: Leaves...the Heart and Soul of Fall
Constance J.: Japanese Maple in the Fall
Constance J.: ~Life lived for tomorrow will always be just a day away from being realized.~
Constance J.: On a Day When Summer and Fall Were Competing With Each Other
Constance J.: Bittersweet
Constance J.: Gently-ever so gently-Holding onto Fall
Constance J.: Out of Commission for the Winter
Constance J.: Just Another Shot of Fall