Max Short: the Painter/ l'Imbianchino
Max Short: Il dono degli angeli è la speranza/ Angels give the man the hope as a gift
Max Short: La musica del bosco\ The sound of wood
Max Short: time
Max Short: The universe in one click
Max Short: La fine di tutto?/ End off all?
Max Short: Hi, Nice to meet you
Max Short: forse ho un po' esagerato / Maybe I'm going too far
Max Short: Attenti a quei tre/ look out for those three
Max Short: La ragazza e il grifone\ Lady and the griffin
Max Short: E inaspettatamente un raggio di luce/ And inaspectately a ray of light
Max Short: Stella dei desideri/ Wishing star
Max Short: Forgotten/ dimenticato
Max Short: Pifferaio magico\ Pied Piper
Max Short: Domanda/ Question
Max Short: Amazing cup of tea
Max Short: Vieni fuori a giocare con me?/ Come out to play with me?
Max Short: three seasons
Max Short: My little friend (Tribute to William Bourguereau)
Max Short: Tuo padre l'aveva detto: non esagerare/Your dad said to you: don't exagerate
Max Short: my secret place
Max Short: Bad time
Max Short: Friends
Max Short: The penguin and the moon
Max Short: deep into the sea
Max Short: It's better not to listen to their music
Max Short: you can't
Max Short: She is mine
Max Short: Back home
Max Short: (Non è) l'ultimo addio/ (it's-not) the last goodbye