mike o1: Stephan Diving
mike o1: Green Moray Eel
mike o1: Grunts
mike o1: Fry (baby fish)
mike o1: Golden-spotted Moray Eel 2
mike o1: Golden-spotted Moray Eel
mike o1: Foureye Butterfly fish
mike o1: Friendly Green Moray
mike o1: Flamingo Tongue Snail 2
mike o1: Fish and Tubeworms on Coral
mike o1: Fire Coral
mike o1: Elkhorn Coral
mike o1: Dive Master
mike o1: Feather Duster Tube worm and Corals
mike o1: Damselfish
mike o1: Dive Buddy
mike o1: Damselfish In Corals
mike o1: Corals and Fish
mike o1: Colourful Reef Scene
mike o1: Christmas Tree Worm
mike o1: Colourful Reef Life
mike o1: Blue Tang
mike o1: Bigeye
mike o1: Banded Butterfly Fish
mike o1: Brain Coral (no flash)
mike o1: Anemone
mike o1: Yellowhead Wrasse
mike o1: Tube Sponge
mike o1: Trumpet Fish 4
mike o1: Trumpet Fish 2