Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: *****Draft 2 Cullercoats RNLI
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: Cullercoats from water big sky DL NIK
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: *12 RNLI in snow dark NIK final polarised IMG_3306
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: *12 RNLI snow front IMG_3384
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: RNLI snow classic view 2019 merge IMG_3287 copy
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: RNLI snow classic view 2019 for NIK photoscape HDR IMG_3287 copy
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: Cullercoats edged 2 DL top and tail IMG_4299
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: Cullercoats edged 2 colour XMAS overlay IMG_4299 *can crop to DL, from bottom part of sea OR can add more space/white to top, puling coastline lower in image
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: Cullercoats edged 2 DL IMG_4299
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: *Cullercoats snow rnli Landscape Bright IMG_4214
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: *Cullercoats rnli snow landscape 5 IMG_4221
Sheerlight - Norma McKellar: *12 RNLI in snow head on MONO 2019 IMG_3336