fuchsia and purplechimp: panel frame upright
fuchsia and purplechimp: panel on its side
fuchsia and purplechimp: seat and floor
fuchsia and purplechimp: rob stain bleeding
fuchsia and purplechimp: booth front shot
fuchsia and purplechimp: booth side shot
fuchsia and purplechimp: camera crew etc
fuchsia and purplechimp: infront of the booth 2
fuchsia and purplechimp: jim rob and simon infront of the booth
fuchsia and purplechimp: rob as sound man
fuchsia and purplechimp: the grill priest side
fuchsia and purplechimp: completed stove closed
fuchsia and purplechimp: the stove open
fuchsia and purplechimp: stove vent open
fuchsia and purplechimp: stove vent closed
fuchsia and purplechimp: patio heater stove
fuchsia and purplechimp: Smaller than it looked