Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Beschreibung des Gantzen Welt-Kreysses Fig. 34
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Beschreibung des Gantzen Welt-Kreysses Fig. 23
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Partie orientale de la Nouvelle France ou du Canada avec l'Isle de Terre-Neuve et de Nouvelle Escosse Acadie et Nouv. Angleterre avec Fleuve de St. Laurence . . .
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Iaverinum vulgo Rab Anno 1594
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Frislanda, Scoperta da Nicolo Zeno Patritio Veneto Creduta Favolosa, o nel Mare Somersa
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: An authentic plan of the River St. Laurence from Sillery, to the fall of Montmorenci, with the operations of the siege of Quebec under the command of Vice-Adml. Saunders & Major Genl.Wolfe down to the 5 Sepr 1759
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Carte générale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, 1753
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Carta geografica del Canada nell'America settentrionale
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Septentrionalium terrarum descriptio
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A map of the North-Pole and the parts adioining (1680)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Operations of the British and American Armies in the War of 1812
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Philip V, King of Spain, visits Naples (1704)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Extrema Americae versus boream, ubi Terra Nova, Nova Francia, adjacentiag
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: America with those known parts in that unknowne worlde both people and manner of buildings discribed and inlarged by I. S.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A new and most exact map of America, described by N.I. Vischer and don into English enlarged and corrected acording to I. Bleau and others, with the habits of ye people & ye manner of ye cheife sitties ye like never before
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Theatrvm orbis terrarvm. Opus nunc denuo ab ipso auctore recognitum, multisque locis castigatum, & quamplurimis nouis tabulis atque commentarijs auctum
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Theatrvm orbis terrarvm. Opus nunc denuo ab ipso auctore recognitum, multisque locis castigatum, & quamplurimis nouis tabulis atque commentarijs auctum
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Theatrvm orbis terrarvm. Opus nunc denuo ab ipso auctore recognitum, multisque locis castigatum, & quamplurimis nouis tabulis atque commentarijs auctum
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Theatrvm orbis terrarvm. Opus nunc denuo ab ipso auctore recognitum, multisque locis castigatum, & quamplurimis nouis tabulis atque commentarijs auctum
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Pascaarte vande Noorder Zee custen van America vande west-hoeck van ysland doorde straet Davis en Hudson tot aen Terra Neuf
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Septemtrionaliora Americae a Groenlandia per Freta Davidis et Hudson ad Terram Novam
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: New map of ye world, 1695