Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Septentrionalium terrarum descriptio
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A map of the North-Pole and the parts adioining (1680)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Track and Discoveries of the H. M. Ships Isabella & Alexander to Davis’s Straits & Baffins Bay
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Hudson’s Straits and Bay (1748)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Ig-loos or Snow Villages at Oo-pung-ne-wing
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Canoe of the Savage Islands
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Bold Headland on Baring Island (1853)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: First discovery of land by H.M.S Investigator (1853)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Mellville Island from Banks Land (1853)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Polar Bears and Seals (1881)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Sledge dog of the Arctic Highlander of Lat. 77. N. and Head of a white bear (1824)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The Huskie: The wolf dog of the Eskimos (192?)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Arctic Bird Mountain (1881)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Arctic Yager (Lestris Parasitica)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Arctic Tern (Sterna Artica)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: “An Esquimaux on the N.W. side of Hudsons Bay” and “An Esquimaux in his Canoe”
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Allegoo (Shining Water), 1920s
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Sealing in the Winter (1865)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Interior of an Eskimaux snow-hut, Winter Island (1822)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Eskimaux and English Vocabulary (title page)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Eskimaux and English Vocabulary (p. 78)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Eskimaux and English Vocabulary (p. 79)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Eskimaux and English Vocabulary (p. 102)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Eskimaux and English Vocabulary (p. 103)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Eskimaux and English Vocabulary (p. 112)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Eskimaux and English Vocabulary (p. 113)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Eskimaux and English Vocabulary (p. 117)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Die IeBten Schneehutten auf Cap Herjchel (1881)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: An Equimaux watching a seal (1824)