Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Thornton, J.P. Thornton's Sectional System of Ladies' Garment Cutting. 1901.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Thornton, J.P. Thornton's Sectional System of Ladies' Garment Cutting. 1901
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Thornton, J.P. Thornton's Sectional System of Ladies' Garment Cutting. 1901.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Thornton, J. P. Thornton's Sectional System of Gentlemen's Garment Cutting. 1894.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Thornton, J. P. Thornton's Sectional System of Gentlemen's Garment Cutting. 1894.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Thornton, J.P. Thornton's Sectional System of Ladies' Garment Cutting. 1901
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Thornton, J. P. Thornton's Sectional System of Gentlemen's Garment Cutting. 1894.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Thornton, J. P. Thornton's Sectional System of Gentlemen's Garment Cutting. 1894.
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Thornton, J. P. Thornton's Sectional System of Gentlemen's Garment Cutting. 1894.