Toronto Public Library Special Collections: John Bull Making a new Batch of Ships to send to the Lakes
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Lieutenant General Sir George Prevost
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Albany Register Ex[tra]ordinary (April 24, 1809)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Glorious news!!! Quebec Mercury Extra Sept. 25
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Operations of the British and American Armies in the War of 1812
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Proclamation, Province of Upper Canada. (1812, recto)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Proclamation, Province of Upper Canada (1812, verso)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Battle of Queenston (Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario) Octr. 13th 1812
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Quebec Mercury Extraordinary (August 6, 1812)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Part of the central part of the province of Upper Canada shewing the seat of War in the Years 1812, 1813 & 1814
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Glorious News!!! (York: August 20, 1812)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Extract of a letter from Lord Bathurst to Sir George Prevost, Bt. (December 8, 1812)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Important from the frontiers! (1814)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Plan of the Town of York (1816)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Plan of the harbour, fort and town of York, the capital of Upper Canada (March 16th, 1816)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Mrs. William Dummer Powell (1834)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The Honourable William Warren Baldwin, 183-?
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Veterans of the War of 1812, at ‘Rosedale’ the home of William B. Jarvis (1861)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Parliament Buildings (ca. 1800)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: H. M. Sloop of War “Sir Isaac Brock”, on the stocks (April, 1813)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Victory by Gen. Dearborn (1813)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Alexander Wood? (ca. 1800)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Arrival of the American fleet prior to the capture of York (April 27, 1813)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Plan of the Fort at York, No. 24 (1823)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Tecumtha (c. 1808)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The War (article on Tecumseh, 1812)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Le Lieut.-Col. Charles M. de Salaberry, 1752-1829: hier, aujourd’hui
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A Hundred Years Peace: The Signature of the Treaty of Ghent (Belgium), 1814