Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Important from the frontiers! (1814)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Plan of the Town of York (1816)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Mrs. William Dummer Powell (1834)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The Honourable William Warren Baldwin, 183-?
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Veterans of the War of 1812, at ‘Rosedale’ the home of William B. Jarvis (1861)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Alexander Wood? (ca. 1800)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Parliament Buildings (ca. 1800)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Plan of the harbour, fort and town of York, the capital of Upper Canada (March 16th, 1816)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: H. M. Sloop of War “Sir Isaac Brock”, on the stocks (April, 1813)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Victory by Gen. Dearborn (1813)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Arrival of the American fleet prior to the capture of York (April 27, 1813)