Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Model of Professor Moriarty (Jack Cassin Scott, ca. 1971)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Chute Supérieure du Reichenbach dans la vallée d'Ober-Hasli (Gottfried Engelmann, 1820)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: La premiere chûte du Reichenbach (Arter, ca. 1830)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Illustration from « Souvenir de la Suisse » (L. Rohbock, ca. 1868)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Upper Cascade of the Reichenbach (W.H. Bartlett, 1835)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Der Reichenbach (John Jacob Ulrich, 1850)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: "The Death of Sherlock Holmes" (frontispiece from The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, 1894)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle, 1894)