Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Anna Brownell (Murphy) Jameson
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of General Burgoyne (1778-1781)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of James Bain, D.C.L. (1909)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Photograph of James Bain (2011-X-2)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Sir Isaac Brock, 1769-1812 (JRR1225)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Nawahjegezhegwabe, Chief Joseph Sawyer of the Credit Band, Mississauga Nation 1786-1863 [OHQ-PICTURES-S-R-931]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Ellen Terry (Barraud, ca. 1887)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: George John Grange, 1860 [979-5-3]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: George William Ross, Premier of Ontario, 1902 [976-11-43]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Grant Powell, 1779-1838 [OHQ-PICTURES-S-R-683]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The Honourable and Right Reverend John Strachan, D.D., Lord Bishop of Toronto
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Kahkewaquonaby, Peter Jones (1832) [OHQ-PICTURES-S-R-967]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Grace Marks and James McDermott, as they appeared at their trial, Toronto [OHQ-PICTURES-S-R-934]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of William Holmes Howland, 1844-1893 [OHQ-PICTURES-S-R-681]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Sir Henry Mill Pellatt, 1859-1939 [OHQ-PICTURES-S-R-690]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Mary Ann Casey, wife of Anderson Ruffin Abbott (1863)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Anderson Ruffin Abbott (1863)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Alexander Muir, 1830-1906 [OHQ-PICTURES-S-R-723]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of William Botsford Jarvis, 1799-1864 [JRR899]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Peter Matthews, 1786-1838 [JRR2800]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of William Lyon MacKenzie, 1795-1861 [OHQ-PICTURES-S-R-6]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Edward William Thomson, 1794-1865 [JRR465]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of His Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head, Bart, K.C.H. (1837) [OHQ-PICTURES-S-R-491]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Field Marshal Lord Seaton, G.C.B., G.C.H., G.C.M.B. [JRR160]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Robert Hamilton, 1750-1809 [JRR1306]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of John George Howard, 1803-1890. [PICTURES-R-5172]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Joseph Tayadaneega, called the Brant (Joseph Brant, 1742-1807) [OHQ2-PICTURES-S-R-8]
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Joseph Thayendaneken (Joseph Brant, 1742-1807) [OHQ2-PICTURES-S-R-10]