Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A plan for the city of Savannah, Georgia (1734)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Map of New England (1755)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Map of New York city (1775)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A view of the city of Boston (1768)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A view of New York city (1768)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Illustration "Village — Arrival of a Stage-coach" from The Backwoods of Canada by Catherine Parr Traill (1838)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Observations on emigration to Canada, by a settler in the Huron Tract (1845)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: York Almanac and Royal Calendar (1825)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Plan of the Town of Fergus, Ontario (1847)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Excerpt from "Sketch of His Majesty's Province of Upper Canada" (1805)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Description the Province of Upper Canada (1799)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Settlement in Upper Canada (ca. 1787)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Map of the city of Montreal (1859)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Cornelius Krieghoff's "French Canadian Habitans Playing at Cards" (1848)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Eastern Townships—Lower Canada (1836)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Kilborn's Mills—Standstead—Lower Canada & the United States settlements,Vermont (1836)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Sherbrooke—Eastern Townships—Lower Canada (1836)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Village of St. Hyacinthe—Eastern Townships—Lower Canada (1836)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Sherbrooke—Eastern Townships—Lower Canada (1836)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Quebec City—Lower Canada (1836)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Woollen Factory—Sherbrooke—Eastern Townships—Lower Canada (1836)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The Ice Pont Formed Between Quebec and Pointe Levi (1833)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: La Danse Ronde / Circular Dance of the Canadians (1807)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Minuets of the Canadians / Le menuet des canadiens (1807)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Meeting of the Officers of the Garrisons of St. John and Frederictown (1824)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A View of the Market Place in the City of Havana from the Road near Colonel Howe's Battery (1768)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Map of St. Christopher's, or St. Kitts (1775)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Anna Brownell (Murphy) Jameson
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A Dream in Canada (1837)