Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The Besieging of Cape Britton by Land and Sea (May, 1745)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Plan of Louisbourg (June 17, 1745)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Preface to The Great Importance of Cape Breton (1746)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The Death of General Wolfe at Quebec (1759)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Map of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham (September 13, 1759)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: View of Louisbourg under seige (1758)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Montmorenci Falls during General Wolfe's attack (July 31, 1759)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Newspaper account of the Battle of Ste-Foy (April 28, 1760)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Orderly Book of the Army Under General Wolfe Before Louisbourg, (May 12 to July 30, 1758)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec: Plains of Abraham (September 13, 1759)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: An Account of the Seven Years' War in America, Jan. 16, 1757 to Sep. 20, 1759
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Account of the seige of Louisbourg (1758)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Newspaper account fo the Plains of Abraham (1759)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A view the ruins of Quebec City (September 1, 1761)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Map of the Battle of Bunker Hill (June 17, 1775)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: A View of Charles Town the Capital of South Carolina in North America (1768)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Royal Gazette, New York (October 4, 1780)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Map of the battle of Saratoga (September 10, 1777
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of General Burgoyne (1778-1781)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Excerpt from "A State of the Expedition from Canada" (1780)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Excerpt from Simcoe's "A Journal of the Operations of the Queen's Rangers" (1777)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Observations by an American deserter (December 30, 1775)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Memoir of the unsuccessful attack on Quebec City (December 30 & 31, 1775)