Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Address of John Hallam, Chairman of the Toronto Public Library Board of Management (1883)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Historiae Canadensis (plate)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Wanderings of an Artist Among the Indians of North America (1859)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Wanderings of an Artist Among the Indians of North America (1859)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Wanderings of an Artist Among the Indians of North America (1859)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Mississauga-French Dictionary, 1800-1801
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Carte des pays connus sous le nom de Canada (1753)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Views in Hudson's Bay (c. 1824)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Views in Hudson's Bay (1824)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Portrait of Joc-O-Sot (The Walking Bear), a Sauk Chief from the Upper Missouri (c. 1844)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: The Presentation of a Newly-Elected Chief of the Huron Tribe, Canada (1841)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Indian Wigwam in Lower Canada (1848)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Costume of Domiciliated Indians of North America (1804)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Title page: The Four Kings of Canada (1891)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: New Voyages to North-America (1735)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Purchases from the Indians in 1787, the Mohawks' Land and Boundary of the Lands of the Missasaga Indians