Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Canada's pork opportunity
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: If you don't need it ... don't buy it
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Housewives! Wage war on Hitler
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Dad's on the line busy fighting
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Waste not – want not : prepare for winter
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: We are saving you : you save food
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Will your subscription mean to your family a sacrifice equal to that of the soldiers' families?
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Are you one of those who at this crisis in our history are neither fighting nor paying
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: If Newfoundland were Belgium? It's up to you
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Canada's beef opportunity
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Fight or pay that others may fight
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Canada Food Board recipe books
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Boys to the farm (Soldiers of the Soil)
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Canada's egg opportunity
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Some women are sending their men : some men are giving their lives
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Did you do anything to beat Germany last year?
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Can I afford to pay for freedom : Belgium must afford to pay for slavery
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: G-bye Mary : the Patriotic Fund will care for you
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: If you cannot put the "I" into fight, you can put the "pay" into patriotism
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: For God! For King and Empire. For Newfoundland. Enlist now!
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: They serve France. How can I serve Canada?
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: This is your flag ... it stands for liberty
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Fish & vegetable meals will save wheat, meat & fats for our soldiers and allies
Toronto Public Library Special Collections: Give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund