GAC'63: Closing the Grandma's cottage 2014
GAC'63: Beefsteak Morel, poisonness?
GAC'63: image
GAC'63: image
GAC'63: image
GAC'63: Mateing Loons
GAC'63: image
GAC'63: Big Sound Sunset
GAC'63: Close up Hens and Chicks
GAC'63: 5 Mile Bay, last weekend in October
GAC'63: Early morning calm
GAC'63: Untitled (2013-05-20 09:28:06)
GAC'63: Untitled (2013-05-20 09:30:48)
GAC'63: Untitled (2013-05-20 09:31:09)
GAC'63: Low water on the Georgian Bay
GAC'63: Untitled (2013-05-20 09:32:51)
GAC'63: dancing loon
GAC'63: Looking toward Manitoulin Island, 120 km away to the NW., Umbrella Islands, Georgian Bay
GAC'63: Bob's new boat
GAC'63: Maple among Poplar trees.
GAC'63: Tree fungas, Violet-toothed Polypore?
GAC'63: Tree Fungas
GAC'63: Closing the cottage, getting the docks ready for winter
GAC'63: Looking up through the fall trees
GAC'63: massasauga rattlesnake
GAC'63: Indian Dock
GAC'63: Dragon Fly on the dock
GAC'63: What editing can do ... Dragon Fly on the dock
GAC'63: Summer Sky