GAC'63: Xmas 08, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 08, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 08, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 08, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 08, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 08, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Snow from the car Oct 29/08
GAC'63: The Storm
GAC'63: Snow on the car Oct 29/08
GAC'63: Xmas 07, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 07, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 07, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 07, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 07, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 07 neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 07, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Xmas 07, neighbors lights
GAC'63: Horefrost
GAC'63: Horefrost
GAC'63: Horefrost
GAC'63: Horefrost
GAC'63: DSCF0060
GAC'63: Horefrost
GAC'63: Toronto skyline
GAC'63: Toronto skyline from the docks
GAC'63: Toronto
GAC'63: Are you taking a picture of me?
GAC'63: The kittens
GAC'63: The house my dad built in '67 -- Bracebridge ON
GAC'63: House on Toronto St., Bracebridge ON --- we lived here from 64-67