Mel B.: Roses in a row
Mel B.: Rosey
Mel B.: Purple
Mel B.: Honeysuckle and lily
Mel B.: Yucca close
Mel B.: Yucca
Mel B.: Lamb's ear
Mel B.: Things in the yard 3
Mel B.: Things in the yard 2
Mel B.: Things in the yard
Mel B.: On the side
Mel B.: Bushes
Mel B.: Front yard
Mel B.: Yellow flowers
Mel B.: One of those things
Mel B.: Leafy
Mel B.: Getting ready to bloom
Mel B.: Archway
Mel B.: Brick path
Mel B.: Birdbath and bug
Mel B.: Hens and chicks round
Mel B.: Hens and chicks close
Mel B.: Hens and chicks