omtelsimon: IMG_2262 Longhorn beetle.
omtelsimon: IMG_1961 Epeus sp. jumping spider.
omtelsimon: Platystomatidae, signal fly. HFDF!
omtelsimon: IMG_1640 Darkling beetle.
omtelsimon: IMG_0999 Diacamma sp. ant.
omtelsimon: IMG_0760 Caterpillar.
omtelsimon: IMG_0836 Sclethrus malayanus, longhorn beetle.
omtelsimon: IMG_2354 Spiny ant, Polyrhachis.HBBBT!
omtelsimon: IMG_0283 Longhorn beetle, HEoM!
omtelsimon: IMG_8467 Leaf beetle, HBBBT!
omtelsimon: IMG_5337 Weevil.
omtelsimon: IMG_9526 Fly' s wings for breakfast, HWW!
omtelsimon: IMG_9135 Sugar ant, HBBBT!
omtelsimon: IMG_3649 Spectrum wings, HWW!
omtelsimon: IMG_0380 Ant mimicking Katydid, Macroxiphus sp..
omtelsimon: IMG_9586 Love wings. HWW!
omtelsimon: IMG_8572 Camponotus sp.HBBBT!.
omtelsimon: IMG_8453 Jumping spider.
omtelsimon: IMG_7017 Half full, HBBBT!
omtelsimon: IMG_7151 Robber fly with prey! HWW!
omtelsimon: IMG_6737 Ant, Polyrhachis.HBBBT!
omtelsimon: IMG_6141 Caterpillar meet larvae. Twofers!
omtelsimon: IMG_1292 Epeus, jumping spider.
omtelsimon: IMG_6359 Tree-Trump Spider , opps! HBBBT!
omtelsimon: IMG_5965 Ichneumon wasp pupal shell.
omtelsimon: IMG_5098 Jumping spider with prey!
omtelsimon: IMG_4346 Darkling beetle, HBBBT!
omtelsimon: IMG_2004 Spiky back! HBBBT!
omtelsimon: IMG_4395 Spiny ant, Polyrhachis.
omtelsimon: IMG_3786 Jumping spider.