Sólveig Björg: summer day
Sólveig Björg: Heiðlóa - Golden Plover - Pluvialis Apricaria
Sólveig Björg: small waterfall down the cliff
Sólveig Björg: Ógöngufjall
Sólveig Björg: Óðinshani (Phalaropus lobatus)
Sólveig Björg: cotton grass
Sólveig Björg: little pond
Sólveig Björg: barley in the wind
Sólveig Björg: cows and hay bales on the fields
Sólveig Björg: Kvika at the waterfall
Sólveig Björg: Hrossanál - Arctic Rush
Sólveig Björg: unbelievable ....
Sólveig Björg: farm in the fog
Sólveig Björg: old and rusty seat - lost in the grass
Sólveig Björg: young cows in the meadow
Sólveig Björg: white waves and seabirds
Sólveig Björg: evening in august
Sólveig Björg: aðalbláber - bilberry - vaccinium myrtillus
Sólveig Björg: soft stream
Sólveig Björg: Lokasjóður - Yellow Rattle - Rhinanthus minor
Sólveig Björg: cold summer day
Sólveig Björg: reflection
Sólveig Björg: summer smile
Sólveig Björg: colors of sunset
Sólveig Björg: out of the cave
Sólveig Björg: buttercups and old wood
Sólveig Björg: cows at the farm