mimpy aka jean:
transmission impossible sign
mimpy aka jean:
watch out for hazardous trees
mimpy aka jean:
Ys up, P too
mimpy aka jean:
Don't stay here all night--this sign says so
mimpy aka jean:
center of usa
mimpy aka jean:
Sign at Real Goods, Hopland
mimpy aka jean:
The office
mimpy aka jean:
clean restroom?
mimpy aka jean:
poo sign
mimpy aka jean:
watch edestrians
mimpy aka jean:
something bridge sign
mimpy aka jean:
loco moco-priceless
mimpy aka jean:
Langlois Market sign
mimpy aka jean:
boogie board bagel
mimpy aka jean:
slug ice cream cone
mimpy aka jean:
Dairy Queen sign damaged in Dec. blizzard
mimpy aka jean:
halt! The tree says so