billd_48: New River Bridge (US 19) #1
billd_48: New River Bridge (US 19) #2
billd_48: New River Gorge #1
billd_48: New River Bridge (US 19) #3
billd_48: Tunney Hunsacker Bridge over the New River #1
billd_48: Pipevine Swallowtail
billd_48: Tunney Hunsacker Bridge over the New River #2
billd_48: New River Bridge (US 19) #4
billd_48: New River Gorge #2
billd_48: Thurmond railroad station
billd_48: Thurmond coaling tower
billd_48: Thurmond railroad bridge
billd_48: Jack-in-the-pulpit
billd_48: Stonecrop
billd_48: Toothwort
billd_48: Dunloup Falls
billd_48: Larkspur
billd_48: May apple
billd_48: Glade Creek reflections
billd_48: Red trillium
billd_48: Smooth phlox #1
billd_48: Smooth phlox #2
billd_48: Glade creek rapids
billd_48: Bellwort
billd_48: Glade Creek waterfall
billd_48: Dandelion seed heads