I hate those bastards: dance the shit out of it!
I hate those bastards: It says "music cool"
I hate those bastards: all my friends travel lowrider
I hate those bastards: homeless russian kids
I hate those bastards: CD constuctor
I hate those bastards: Negative0-33-4A(1)
I hate those bastards: it says by itself
I hate those bastards: Negative0-05-31A(1)
I hate those bastards: Negative0-06-30A(1)
I hate those bastards: eating and laughing
I hate those bastards: Graffiti. Rozbrat
I hate those bastards: Negative0-12-24A(1)
I hate those bastards: Negative0-13-23A(1)
I hate those bastards: inside rozbrat
I hate those bastards: Negative0-15-21A(1)
I hate those bastards: the fucking poster
I hate those bastards: Negative0-17-19A(1)
I hate those bastards: Negative0-20-14A(1)
I hate those bastards: The walls of Rozbrat
I hate those bastards: i'mhotyou'renot
I hate those bastards: I'm on the Hook
I hate those bastards: Stairs in old house in Budapest
I hate those bastards: Cathedral in a window. Szeged