427: Mod Pizza Beer Time
427: Mod Pizza Fuel
427: I fucking love mayonnaise
427: Molly delivers
427: Random parking lot art. Love it.
427: Angry skies.
427: Heaven
427: Dinnertime
427: Bite.
427: Time for some deliciousness.
427: Pride
427: Post dance leftovers of awesomeness.
427: Good morning world.
427: Lake Washington
427: The art of anti-graffiti.
427: Bill today at Goi's going away.
427: Dinner of Awesomeness
427: Fuck You.
427: Bracelet
427: Perched
427: Waiting in the rain
427: Going with the flow
427: a little frosty this morning
427: beauty on the hill
427: Espresso at Top Pot
427: @ Arabica
427: @ Joe Bar
427: Seattle Sunset