Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 47 - Con cep tu al
Alexandru Georgescu:
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 49 - The golden number
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 50 - Distorted reality #2
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 51 - What keeps the planet spinning
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 70 - Need order in chaos
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 72 - Defocus #2
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 75 - Brake the patterns
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 84 - Living healthy?
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 86 - The focal sense
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 91 - Blurred lines
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 92 - Is it breathing?
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 93 - Watch out with that!
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 94 - United forces
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 95 - The touch of the creator
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 100 - Pose for me!
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 101 - Sandstorm
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 106 - Defocus #3
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 111 - Lex is the new law
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 112 - You can do it!
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 113 - Paint with light
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 114 - Defocus #4
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 119 - Bottled something
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 126 - Jailed
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 128 - Digital lane
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 133 - Scrambled
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 140 - Where should I hide?
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 141 - Updating ...
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 155 - Greedy
Alexandru Georgescu:
Day 157 - To the sky #3