ThisisNickWhite: Nick plans (Courtesy of Nic)
ThisisNickWhite: Nic plans
ThisisNickWhite: Preparations and an egg
ThisisNickWhite: Pictures on the floor soon to be on the wall
ThisisNickWhite: So many drawings, so much wall
ThisisNickWhite: Ink and gouache on paper
ThisisNickWhite: Nous Vous do some serious thinking
ThisisNickWhite: Nous Vous collection 1
ThisisNickWhite: Nous Vous collection 2
ThisisNickWhite: Now Or Ever cool dudes.
ThisisNickWhite: Nicolas & Nicholas at St-Niklaas
ThisisNickWhite: Nous Vous Assemble!
ThisisNickWhite: Nous Vous do some more serious thinking
ThisisNickWhite: CC Ter Dilft
ThisisNickWhite: Nails in Wall
ThisisNickWhite: Shelves up. Heads on nails nearly up.
ThisisNickWhite: Action Shot 1 (courtesy of Nous Vous)
ThisisNickWhite: Action Shot 2 (courtesy of Nous Vous)
ThisisNickWhite: Me and Belgian family discuss the merits of Heads on nails in the form of a larger head
ThisisNickWhite: Show opens! Pow!
ThisisNickWhite: Wall (left)
ThisisNickWhite: Oh those reflections
ThisisNickWhite: Held up by sticks
ThisisNickWhite: More drawings
ThisisNickWhite: Heads on nails
ThisisNickWhite: Head full of heads
ThisisNickWhite: Papercut Stencil
ThisisNickWhite: Papercut Stencil closer
ThisisNickWhite: Another head full of heads
ThisisNickWhite: More heads!