LRO_1: FF.19E
LRO_1: FF.55A , RFF.55B , FRFF55B
LRO_1: FF.11
LRO_1: Signals OP31 and ROP30.300
LRO_1: EN37
LRO_1: Redundant
LRO_1: White City
LRO_1: Signals
LRO_1: D6729 departing from North Weald
LRO_1: D6729 departing from North Weald
LRO_1: Waiting for the road
LRO_1: 03170 takes a break
LRO_1: Wembley arch
LRO_1: Signal is Off
LRO_1: Fast train to the city
LRO_1: Pointing skywards
LRO_1: Met 1 at Amersham