MR's Pictures and scans: In the old farmyard(1)
MR's Pictures and scans: In the old farmyard(3)
MR's Pictures and scans: cyprus buses november 2009 by parents
MR's Pictures and scans: cyprus november 2009 by parents
MR's Pictures and scans: warming up in a balmy +2 degrees(i was sunbathing by the side)
MR's Pictures and scans: Rangerover-L-reg
MR's Pictures and scans: Mercedes 190 c-reg
MR's Pictures and scans: Escort TD estate s-reg
MR's Pictures and scans: BMW 5-series diesel L-reg
MR's Pictures and scans: Bedford doormobile/camper
MR's Pictures and scans: Volvo 440 L491 CJF
MR's Pictures and scans: Ford fiesta S478 BTL
MR's Pictures and scans: Lunchtime spots 29 01 10 001
MR's Pictures and scans: Lunchtime spots 29 01 10 002
MR's Pictures and scans: Lunchtime spots 29 01 10 003
MR's Pictures and scans: Lunchtime spots 29 01 10 004
MR's Pictures and scans: Lunchtime spots 29 01 10 005
MR's Pictures and scans: Lunchtime spots 29 01 10 006
MR's Pictures and scans: Enderby 03 02 10
MR's Pictures and scans: Enderby 03 02 10
MR's Pictures and scans: Enderby 03 02 10
MR's Pictures and scans: Cropston Rangerover
MR's Pictures and scans: Leyland/leopard badges
MR's Pictures and scans: Leyland badges"tiger"
MR's Pictures and scans: 14 2 2010 NEC spots
MR's Pictures and scans: 14 2 2010 Village spot
MR's Pictures and scans: 14 2 2010 Village spot
MR's Pictures and scans: 14 2 2010 NEC spots
MR's Pictures and scans: 14 2 2010 NEC spots