sbronkesh: Former Jewish area, Lviv. In 1939 160,000 Jews. 1,000 Jews today.
sbronkesh: All that remains of Golden Rose synagogue (1582) are window outlines. Destroyed in 1941 by Nazis
sbronkesh: Where mezzuzah formerly hung
sbronkesh: Former Jewish home
sbronkesh: Only Jewish business we saw
sbronkesh: Condition of much of former Jewish quarter
sbronkesh: Little left of the Jewish community
sbronkesh: Hints of what Lviv used to be
sbronkesh: Revitalizing center of Lviv
sbronkesh: Rynok Square begins to show former beauty of Lviv
sbronkesh: PICT0294
sbronkesh: Greek mythological statues surround square
sbronkesh: Grecian Mom
sbronkesh: PICT0290
sbronkesh: PICT0298
sbronkesh: Father of masochism
sbronkesh: Memorial to 136,000 Lviv Jews
sbronkesh: Memorial on site of train station from where Jews were deported to Janowska concentration camp
sbronkesh: PICT0304
sbronkesh: Site is near the rail station from which Jews were deported to concentration camp
sbronkesh: WHY?
sbronkesh: Old fashioned brooms
sbronkesh: Mom continued to be amaed at the multitude of pharmacies throughout Ukraine
sbronkesh: Decor trumped food at this Lviv restaurant
sbronkesh: Vegatarian? Hi (no in Ukrainian).
sbronkesh: Chabad sponsored Jewish Day school, Lviv
sbronkesh: From pre-school to high school
sbronkesh: Jewish day school
sbronkesh: Ceiling of only remaining synagogue in Lviv
sbronkesh: Last synagogue in Lviv