wjcstp: train platform
wjcstp: as far as i could see
wjcstp: a happy, chatty crowd
wjcstp: the best signs
wjcstp: in the streets, on the lawn, in the parking ramp
wjcstp: OMG GOP
wjcstp: a lot of mofos to prove wrong
wjcstp: with her
wjcstp: i love a uterus flipping the bird
wjcstp: with all of her
wjcstp: starting to move
wjcstp: Grumpy
wjcstp: P1202539
wjcstp: UGH
wjcstp: pussy hats galore
wjcstp: another good uterus sign
wjcstp: Knope
wjcstp: P1202547
wjcstp: P1202549
wjcstp: P1202552
wjcstp: won't give up
wjcstp: final turn to the capitol
wjcstp: thing 1
wjcstp: looking back at the cathedral
wjcstp: arriving at the capitol
wjcstp: Meryl!
wjcstp: grandma
wjcstp: super calloused
wjcstp: Capitol lawn
wjcstp: Capitol and speaker platform