ARBaurial: What's in a logo?
ARBaurial: Electricity Helps Farmers and Housewives.
ARBaurial: Use Northmet Electricity
ARBaurial: E.D.A. Mascot advertisement in the house magazine of the W.T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co.Ltd.
ARBaurial: Wartime Propaganda
ARBaurial: Eastern Electricity Service mobile showroom - early 1950s
ARBaurial: Eastern Electricity Service mobile showroom interior - early 1950s
ARBaurial: Eastern Electricity mobile showroom - early 1960s
ARBaurial: Eastern Electricity mobile showroom - early 1960s
ARBaurial: ABSD (Air Break Switch Disconnector)
ARBaurial: The Sky Cradle
ARBaurial: How Long is the World's Longest Land Rover?
ARBaurial: Eastern Electricity, 1980s Overhead Line, Atlas Crane Lorry
ARBaurial: The "Trouble Truck"
ARBaurial: Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner
ARBaurial: Eastern Electricity’s Training College, Essendon, Hatfield, UK 1961 - 2000
ARBaurial: Framlingham Electricity Service Centre
ARBaurial: Finchley Showroom, north London, UK