ShannonBK: Zubin challenges Rama
ShannonBK: Detroit River from the Ren Cen
ShannonBK: enthroned
ShannonBK: Andrea and Brian
ShannonBK: St. Hugo's interior
ShannonBK: St. Hugo's tympanum
ShannonBK: St. Hugo's exterior
ShannonBK: at the famous Lafayette Coney Island
ShannonBK: my 30th birthday cake
ShannonBK: Grandpa me Zubin
ShannonBK: Shane's superpower? glowability.
ShannonBK: such a filthy habit at such a young age
ShannonBK: oh, alright, it was just a candle
ShannonBK: photographer
ShannonBK: Super Annika
ShannonBK: a future in figure skating?
ShannonBK: and still manages to bear flowers gracefully
ShannonBK: and....POSE!
ShannonBK: ever more Annika
ShannonBK: me with my beloved cousin-once-removed
ShannonBK: Detroit airport fountain