ShannonBK: picture time
ShannonBK: picture time
ShannonBK: processing
ShannonBK: anticipating the bride
ShannonBK: yay Kim!
ShannonBK: yay Zach and Kim!
ShannonBK: Jules!
ShannonBK: Sara and Brian
ShannonBK: MaryLee and Eliz
ShannonBK: chillin
ShannonBK: Ladies of the Mule
ShannonBK: happy cocktail party
ShannonBK: Obies
ShannonBK: Oberlin Alumni Magazine shot
ShannonBK: Zach looking oddly hesitant
ShannonBK: Humble Mule! (minus Cindy, alas)
ShannonBK: bridal dance
ShannonBK: wispy cloud over the Hood Canal
ShannonBK: twilight table
ShannonBK: twilight trees
ShannonBK: another happy couple
ShannonBK: dancers
ShannonBK: dancers
ShannonBK: Julia and Adam throw down
ShannonBK: disco kings and queen
ShannonBK: a mere preview of things to come