ShannonBK: apse
ShannonBK: apse
ShannonBK: apse
ShannonBK: peeking through the doors
ShannonBK: fallen angel
ShannonBK: fallen angel
ShannonBK: wooden reliefs and tile mosaic
ShannonBK: cathedral doors
ShannonBK: apse and nave
ShannonBK: jacob wrestles the angel
ShannonBK: apse mosaics
ShannonBK: cloister
ShannonBK: cloister
ShannonBK: sliver view
ShannonBK: peephole
ShannonBK: a narrow passageway
ShannonBK: diamond window
ShannonBK: nearing the end of the labyrinth
ShannonBK: zubin
ShannonBK: top of the apse
ShannonBK: portrait
ShannonBK: roof of Monreale
ShannonBK: view from the climb
ShannonBK: wedding
ShannonBK: wedding
ShannonBK: wedding
ShannonBK: cloister capital
ShannonBK: Zubin in cloister
ShannonBK: cloister
ShannonBK: cloister fountain