{.jerry-b.}: Neighborhood Parade
{.jerry-b.}: Neighborhood Parade Spectator
{.jerry-b.}: 4th of July Festivities - Model A Club
{.jerry-b.}: Reserved Seating
{.jerry-b.}: Reserved Seating
{.jerry-b.}: Changing Reservations
{.jerry-b.}: Confirming Reservations
{.jerry-b.}: Neighborhood Parade
{.jerry-b.}: 4th of July Festivities - Model A Club
{.jerry-b.}: That Yellow just Pops..!!!!
{.jerry-b.}: Lafayette Reservoir
{.jerry-b.}: Accidental bokeh - the best kind
{.jerry-b.}: greenblue
{.jerry-b.}: geometry at the lake
{.jerry-b.}: geometry
{.jerry-b.}: The "REAL" Singing Flag
{.jerry-b.}: Once the music stopped...
{.jerry-b.}: DSC04529
{.jerry-b.}: DSC04595
{.jerry-b.}: DSC04627
{.jerry-b.}: DSC04641
{.jerry-b.}: Ghosts of Hootenany Past
{.jerry-b.}: Cacophany at the end
{.jerry-b.}: kids love playing with the police cars and motorcycle