vike chang: 大洗磯前神社
mdiehl829: 20181119-DSC_5816-Edit-Edit-Edit.jpg
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 茶園 夕陽雲彩
高 明: DSC_0793
Digital_trance: DV2A3122
aleshurik: Jorney..
matthias.ripp: It"s all about finding the right connection
Jabi Artaraz: Entre luces y sombras
blavandmaster: Untouched
gorbot.: in the sea
葉 正道 Ben: 歲月的痕跡 Time traces
Cleinwdw: Lions at the Akron Zoo
MedicineMan4040: Hard drive clean up #6
Digital_trance: DSC07410
Digital_trance: DV2A7853
Digital_trance: DSC07355
Andy Arciga: The City
Ron and Co.: Wasp attacks bee!
Charles Patrick Ewing: Butterfly Explores Flower
Benny W Photography: golden field Ancient Lands - Blood Moon
nodie26: 花蓮溪出海口
nodie26: 花蓮溪出海口