tpp1001: Sand barges going down the Red River
tpp1001: The Lone Stranger
tpp1001: Tay Son Street
tpp1001: A busy shop in the Old Quarter
tpp1001: Four mouths to feed
tpp1001: Woman in a shop #1
tpp1001: Woman in a shop #2
tpp1001: DIY Karaoke
tpp1001: What's so funny?
tpp1001: Hey, let me play!
tpp1001: Big brother little sister
tpp1001: On Long Bien 1 Street
tpp1001: Little boss man
tpp1001: On Ngoc Lam Street
tpp1001: Wannabe tiger
tpp1001: At a cafe window
tpp1001: Running on the tracks
tpp1001: On Ngoc Thuy Street
tpp1001: Shadow of a construction worker
tpp1001: Construction workers eating dinner
tpp1001: Laundry
tpp1001: Sunset over Long Bien
tpp1001: Moon over Mipec Buildings (with Venus way at the top)
tpp1001: Moon over Banana Island
tpp1001: Abstract