NRJP: Octopus
NRJP: Snail
NRJP: Jellyfish
NRJP: Cuttlefish
NRJP: Jar of pig embryos
NRJP: Jar of moles
NRJP: Jars of preserved brains
NRJP: Dog brain
NRJP: Platypus reproductive organs
NRJP: Watchers in the gallery
NRJP: Solaster pepposis
NRJP: Starfish
NRJP: Jar of sea mice
NRJP: Thylacine skull
NRJP: King Penguin egg
NRJP: Seymouria skull
NRJP: Early hominid skulls
NRJP: N. American porcupine quills
NRJP: Pig fetus
NRJP: Walrus penis bone
NRJP: Infant aardvark
NRJP: Elephant shrew
NRJP: Infant manatee
NRJP: Pufferfish skeleton
NRJP: Lizard
NRJP: Elephant heart
NRJP: Hanging around
NRJP: Hanging around
NRJP: Heart, ammonite and skulls
NRJP: Narwhal horn