NRJP: Hancock Park entrance
NRJP: Columbian mammoth family
NRJP: Columbian mammoth family
NRJP: Columbian mammoth family
NRJP: American mastodon
NRJP: Bear
NRJP: Ground sloths
NRJP: Project 23
NRJP: Sabre-tooth cats
NRJP: Sabre-tooth cats
NRJP: Sabre-tooth cats
NRJP: Sabre-tooth cats
NRJP: Sabre-tooth cats
NRJP: Museum entrance
NRJP: Inside the museum
NRJP: Inside the museum
NRJP: The Fishbowl
NRJP: The Fishbowl
NRJP: The Fishbowl
NRJP: Harlan's ground sloth
NRJP: Harlan's ground sloth
NRJP: Ancient bison
NRJP: Sabre-tooth skull
NRJP: California sabre-tooth skulls
NRJP: Ancient camel
NRJP: American mastodon and calf
NRJP: American mastodon
NRJP: Woolly mammoth
NRJP: Columbian mammoth jaw bone
NRJP: Columbian mammoth