itzapromisepoodles: Audrey and Spirit
itzapromisepoodles: Poodles in the grass
itzapromisepoodles: Spirit, leading the poodle conga
itzapromisepoodles: Cash, wondering if he should go and find out what the others are doing.
itzapromisepoodles: Audrey, always laughing
itzapromisepoodles: Tiffany and Evie
itzapromisepoodles: Evie, what a sweetie, lol
itzapromisepoodles: Morse, leapfrogging Evie
itzapromisepoodles: Audrey and Evie
itzapromisepoodles: Audrey and Evie
itzapromisepoodles: Cash and Tiffany
itzapromisepoodles: Morse, Tiffany and Cash