itzapromisepoodles: Dime, just before making a very abrupt U turn
itzapromisepoodles: Tiffany and Cash
itzapromisepoodles: Spirit versus the rest!
itzapromisepoodles: Spirit versus the rest!
itzapromisepoodles: Cash is a typical bloke and is completely oblivious to anything behind him, lol
itzapromisepoodles: Spirit versus the rest!
itzapromisepoodles: A lottle out of focus, but I loe this pic
itzapromisepoodles: Spirit, she pulls the best faces
itzapromisepoodles: Spirit looking like she should be in a horror film, emerging from the ground!
itzapromisepoodles: Spirit versus the rest!
itzapromisepoodles: Spirit versus the rest!
itzapromisepoodles: Spirit picked the wrong place to roll in the grass
itzapromisepoodles: Spirit picked the wrong place to roll in the grass
itzapromisepoodles: What are those cows doing in our park?