Joel Bybee: Knitting Wool_09-09-26_0002_a
Joel Bybee: Glass_09-10-08_0391_a
Joel Bybee: Glass_09-10-07_0385
Joel Bybee: Glass_09-10-06_0359
Joel Bybee: Glass_09-10-15_0580
Joel Bybee: Glass_09-10-09_0448_a
Joel Bybee: Glass_09-10-13_0501
Joel Bybee: Glass_09-10-14_0551
Joel Bybee: Porr1dge_09-11-12_0002
Joel Bybee: Wrought Iron Goddess_09-12-05_0006_a_1
Joel Bybee: Wrought Iron Goddess_09-12-05_0008_a
Joel Bybee: Wrought Iron Goddess_09-12-05_0008_a_2
Joel Bybee: Wrought Iron Goddess_09-12-05_0010_a
Joel Bybee: Wrought Iron Goddess_09-12-05_0012_e
Joel Bybee: The Yule Frog !
Joel Bybee: Chartres Cathedrale, Notre-Dame
Joel Bybee: Matthew's Quilt_10-01-10_0005
Joel Bybee: Matthew's Quilt_10-01-10_0006
Joel Bybee: Matthew's Quilt_10-01-10_0007
Joel Bybee: Matthew's Quilt_10-01-10_0015
Joel Bybee: Matthew's Quilt_10-01-10_0022
Joel Bybee: Textures_10-01-10_0024
Joel Bybee: Matthew's Quilt_10-01-10_0021
Joel Bybee: Matthew's Quilt_10-01-24_0027
Joel Bybee: Matthew's Quilt_10-01-24_0028
Joel Bybee: Matthew's Quilt_10-01-24_0029
Joel Bybee: UNKNOWN
Joel Bybee: Suger Bowl Top_10-01-30_0047
Joel Bybee: Suger Bowl Top_10-01-30_0054_a
Joel Bybee: Happy Valentine's Day to all my Flickr Friends