YM_T: Bottle after Bottle...... 一醉方休。。。嘿嘿。。。
YM_T: Wine, and Flower......
YM_T: A Glass of Wine, A Bottle of Wine, and a Lilies......
YM_T: A Glass of Wine, A Bottle of Wine, and a Lily......
YM_T: A Glass of Wine, and Flowers...
YM_T: A Glass of Wine, a Bottle of Wine, Flowers and ......
YM_T: A Glass of Wine, Bottles of Wine, Flowers and .....
YM_T: A Glass of Wine, Bottles of Wine, Flowers and .....
YM_T: A Glass of Wine, a Bottle of Wine, Flowers and .....
YM_T: A Glass of Wine, A Bottle of Wine, and A Parlor Palm....
YM_T: Bottles of Wine, a Parlor Palm, Raspberries, Cinnamon Rolls, and Nuts....
YM_T: Bottles of Wine, Parlor Palm, Raspberries, Cinnamon Rolls, and Nuts....
YM_T: A Glass of Wine, a Bottle of Wine, Flowers and .....
YM_T: Pouring Wine to A Glass, and Flowers......