YM_T: ACornerOfNJ_July2010_1
YM_T: ACornerOfNJ_July2010_2
YM_T: DSC_0016
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YM_T: DSC_0002
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YM_T: DSC_0015
YM_T: The first full moon in Lunar New Year 2020
YM_T: The first full moon in Lunar New Year 2020
YM_T: Sunsets on the 15th Day of Lunar New Year 2020
YM_T: Sunsets on the 15th Day of Lunar New Year 2020
YM_T: Sunsets on the 15th Day of Lunar New Year 2020落霞与孤鹜齐飞
YM_T: Beach Volleyball, Summer Fun
YM_T: Two Seagulls, Four Girls
YM_T: Reading
YM_T: Sunsets
YM_T: Full Moon
YM_T: Roses and Star Trails
YM_T: Mid_Autumn Moon, 10/01/2020
YM_T: Memorial, Lunar 9_15_2020
YM_T: Thanksgiving Day 2020
YM_T: Swan Lake
YM_T: First Snow in 2020 Winter
YM_T: Northern Mockingbird
YM_T: Northern Mockingbird
YM_T: Full Moon, the Cold Moon
YM_T: Full Moon, the Cold Moon