California Watcher1: _DSC9847 Ferraginous Hawk banded
California Watcher1: _DSC7607 Banded Hawk
California Watcher1: _DSC7612 banded Hawk
California Watcher1: DSC_1527 Peregrine falcon Looking at band it got when rescued at Fort Ross, now parent at Gleason Beach
California Watcher1: DSC_1518 Peregrine Falcon banded
California Watcher1: _DSC7202 bands on 2 Sandhill Cranes
California Watcher1: #P828 Banded Sandhill Crane
California Watcher1: Western Gull with band
California Watcher1: Western Gull with band
California Watcher1: Cose Up of banded Common Tern
California Watcher1: Another Banded Sandhill Crane
California Watcher1: DSC_9772 Banded Sandhill crane Bluered orange -lft leg red with metal band right leg
California Watcher1: Identification band on Sandhill Crane the other has single silver band on left leg
California Watcher1: DSC_5250.JPG Banded Sandhill Crane P282
California Watcher1: Identifuication band on Sandhill Crane close-up
California Watcher1: DSC_8221 Right leg silver band 957 Red Band P333 for report
California Watcher1: DSC_8224 left leg small bands top white middle red bottom yellow
California Watcher1: 939 1 1/2 yr old Wing tagged Orange #5 with a 3 year old sub adult
California Watcher1: Young Bald Eagle looking right at us from So Ca
California Watcher1: 944 Orange tag # 05