California Watcher1:
DSC_4108 Parents staying close
California Watcher1:
DSC_4110 One eagle off branch
California Watcher1:
DSC_4142 2nd Eagle off left
California Watcher1:
DSC_4229 Fledgling found in tree left of the nest tree we have a Fledgling
California Watcher1:
DSC_4314 One Eagle Back to nest
California Watcher1:
DSC_4342 hops back to the nest
California Watcher1:
California Watcher1:
DSC_4427 Determination flegling back to nest tree
California Watcher1:
DSC_4443 Lets go for it.. darn under shot it
California Watcher1:
DSC_4457 Parent looks down as eagle having temper tantrum
California Watcher1:
DSC_4470I can do this
California Watcher1:
DSC_4474 Here I go!
California Watcher1:
DSC_4475 I can do this!
California Watcher1:
DSC_4476 Drat, not enough height.
California Watcher1:
DSC_4481 Beak plant .. the eaglet and parent look on
California Watcher1:
DSC_4488 I'll climb the branch up! Almost there
California Watcher1:
DSC_4491 Tada!!! I need to rest
California Watcher1:
DSC_4573 Enough for parent, makes room for the Giant offspring; hops to branch to make room for the two eaglets
California Watcher1:
California Watcher1:
DSC_4631 It's good to be home
California Watcher1:
DSC_4655 Pulling parents feather
California Watcher1:
DSC_4696 Eagle family
California Watcher1:
California Watcher1:
California Watcher1:
California Watcher1:
California Watcher1:
California Watcher1:
DSC_7327 Fledgling branch hoping
California Watcher1:
DSC_7320 Fledgling branch hoping
California Watcher1:
Fledgling branch hoping and stepping out