California Watcher1: Team roping'
California Watcher1: Putting up a fight
California Watcher1: no where to run
California Watcher1: how did I get in this predicament
California Watcher1: the ties to allow the job
California Watcher1: Good quarter horse
California Watcher1: Group effort
California Watcher1: Rubber band to castrate rather than cutting (less bacteria and flies) Antibiotics or vaccines
California Watcher1: the teacher
California Watcher1: Communication
California Watcher1: Branding and ear tagging
California Watcher1: Coming in to get hind legs
California Watcher1: The young learning the ropes
California Watcher1: the one legged catch needs help taking down
California Watcher1: Working hard
California Watcher1: Ear tagging
California Watcher1: The brutality of the brand of ownership, because those who will take, what is not theirs.
California Watcher1: Salt Springs Valley School