California Watcher1: Bald Eagle in the water amongst Loons ~ Choir Directior
California Watcher1: Hornby Island Grassy Point White winged Scoter (Melanitta fusca)
California Watcher1: White winged Scoter (Melanitta fusca) Hornby Island BC March 5th 2018
California Watcher1: Mallard duck male
California Watcher1: _DSC2547 Eagle looks right at splash, possibly another duck It looks like something diving in water to right
California Watcher1: _DSC2544 Eagle with possibly a duck
California Watcher1: _DSC2546 Bald Eagle and Western or Clarks Grebe We face to face ~ hello there the eagle grabs a floating duck carcass in the water
California Watcher1: Long-tailed duck (Oldsquaw)
California Watcher1: Long-tailed duck (Oldsquaw)
California Watcher1: Brandts Cormorant
California Watcher1: Brandts Cormorant Bad hair day
California Watcher1: side view Brandts Cormorant
California Watcher1: _DSC5262 Cormorants Bramds or Phalagic
California Watcher1: Close up Blue Eyes Brandt Cormorant ,Herring roe on face
California Watcher1: Brandt Cormorant blue eyes and Herring roe on beak
California Watcher1: _DSC8296 Double-crested Cormorant ~ Phalacrocorax auritus
California Watcher1: Double-crested cormorant s
California Watcher1: Brandts Cormorants
California Watcher1: _DSC5069 Brandts Cormorants
California Watcher1: _DSC5082 Brands Cormorants
California Watcher1: Double crested Cormorants clacking beaks
California Watcher1: Double Crested Cormorants
California Watcher1: Brandts Cormorant light underparts
California Watcher1: Double Crested Cormorants
California Watcher1: DSC_1654 Loon Adult non breeding
California Watcher1: _DSC8200 Common Loon
California Watcher1: _DSC8209 Common Loon Vancouver Island BC
California Watcher1: _DSC5161 Loon
California Watcher1: _DSC8206 Common Loon with a catch