California Watcher1: Red wnged Blackbird looks like got a haircut
California Watcher1: Mute Swan streatch
California Watcher1: Mute Swan preening
California Watcher1: Mute Swan in nest
California Watcher1: Mute Swan preening
California Watcher1: Redwinged Blackbird female gatering grasses
California Watcher1: Redwinged Blackbird
California Watcher1: Redwinged Blackbird with crew cut
California Watcher1: Bullocks Oriole nest made of fishing line discarde.. trash your line unlike grasse and twigs the young cannot get out of the nest because the line does not stretch and will die
California Watcher1: Happy Gray Squirrel
California Watcher1: Belted Kingfisher
California Watcher1: slow escort out of pond
California Watcher1: Starling Preening
California Watcher1: Yellow Rumped Warbler
California Watcher1: Trumpet Swan